Newsletter #6
The past month has been filled with exciting activities and opportunities for young people from the UK, Italy, Hungary, and North Macedonia. Let’s dive into
The past month has been filled with exciting activities and opportunities for young people from the UK, Italy, Hungary, and North Macedonia. Let’s dive into
Young Kreativ Ден во Унгарија На 8-ми декември, во Клубот Кошут во Будимпешта, Унгарија, партнерот на YKSE, Антрополис го организираше унгарскиот Young Kreativ Ден. Настанот
December 8-án a budapesti Kossuth Klubban az YKSE partnere, az Anthropolis népszerűsítő rendezvényt tartott. A rendezvénynek a nagy hagyományú, tudásközpontként és számos oktatási szervezetnek otthont
Abbiamo presentato i risultati tangibili del progetto al pubblico prima a Skopje, in Macedonia e a Matera, in Italia, in due eventi moltiplicatori.
The YKSE project arrived at an important milestone. We could present the project’s actual results to larger public first in Skopje, Macedonia and Matera, Italy in two multiplier events.