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Introducing Young Kreative E-Learning Platfrom for Youth Workers!

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E-learning platforms have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has made traditional classroom-based education more challenging. They are online educational platforms that deliver learning materials and resources through the internet. These platforms can include websites, mobile apps, learning management systems (LMS), and other digital tools that provide a variety of online courses, educational resources, and other learning opportunities.

Some examples of popular e-learning platforms include Coursera, Udemy, edX, Skillshare, Khan Academy, and LinkedIn Learning. These platforms offer a wide range of courses and resources, from computer programming and business management to language learning and personal development.

Having in mind the value, which these platform bring to the educational process, the project team of Young Kreative as part of its project activities developed and launched YK e-platform with modular training targeting youth workers.

Young Kreative e-platform offer several benefits to youth workers, including:

  • YK E-platform provides youth workers with access to a wide range of training materials, including videos, interactive modules, and quizzes. This allows youth workers to acquire new skills and knowledge on their own time and at their own pace.
  • YK E-platform provides interactive learning experiences. These experiences can be particularly valuable for youth workers and help to reinforce learning.
  • YK E-platform provides often allows youth workers to customize their learning experience by selecting the courses and materials that are most relevant to their work. This can help to ensure that youth workers acquire the knowledge and skills that are most important for their roles.

Although a beta version, and still in testing phase, YKSE-platform is open and free for all curious users.  You may access the platform and register at the following link:

We are looking forward to your feedback, and do not forget to spread the news further!



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